Monday, April 23, 2012

New Book

I ordered Paul Nixon's new book, "We Refuse to Lead a Dying Church".  I hope it arrives today!  I, along with my congregation, have a special interest in this book because we are in it!  Paul Nickerson recommended our church and our story to Paul Nixon for this book.  Thank you to both Pauls. 

Paul Nickerson was my coach, along with Jim Griffith, as I was leading Wollaston through its turnaround.  These men are incredibly gifted in helping pastors stay grounded as much as is possible while leading significant change within their congregations. They each have websites outlining their national consulting work.

I am currently working on my second book with my the Alban Institute. I am back and forth on the title and am trying to decide between "Stay Awake! The Next Steps in the Turnaround Church", and "The Turnaround Church Part II; Next Steps in the Turnaround Church".  Having a working title helps, but I can't let the title worry me today because I need to write.  This book is a sequel to my first and will follow the second five years of the turnaround at Wollaston Congregational Church. 

Monday, April 16, 2012


Some pastors like to take the week after Easter for a vacation week to rest up from all the extra services of Holy Week and Easter Sunday.  I followed that well worn advise this past week and was expecting to have yesterday off, too. It didn't work out that way as my collegue got sick and I was called in to lead the Sunday morning worship service. 

The Sunday after Easter is often referred to as "low Sunday", meaning that worship attendance is usually pretty low following the high number of people on Easter.  And, this year, "low Sunday" is also the beginning of the school vacation week, so I didn't expect too big a crowd.  But, I was pleasantly surprised by having a good number of people in church and lots of lay leadership throughout.  There was a tone of tenderness throughout the service, a tone that I did not set.

The presence of the Holy Spirit was felt. It was a good day in our turnaround church, where things are not always as one would expect.  Turnaround pastors, be ready for nice surprises like this one.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Are you familiar with the term "generalist"?  I am thinking about it a lot lately as I consider that I am one.  A generalist, in my thinking, is one who can jump into almost any situation and by applying a particular thinking process can see through to move the situation forward. 

When I began my work as a turnaround pastor in 2003, I remember thinking I had to know a little bit about a lot of things.  I'll use photography as an example.  If I took a photo of some kids in the church, what would be the next step to use the photo in church publicity?  Well, of course, you need to have signed permission from the child's parents.  So, you need to think about creating an institution wide policy of having everyone sign a photo release and be respectful of those who say no.  Next, you have to think website?, newspaper?, cable tv?, power point in worship?, church brochure?  Where am I going to use this photo? You see where I'm going here.  One simple thing, one simple goal often leads to many far more complex questions for church leaders today with so many multi-media opportunities. 

For turnaround pastors, generalists by nature, church and institutional systems like these are like our playgrounds where we live our mental gymnastics moment by moment.  We must be generalists in order to know how to swing high, slide long, climb ladders, cross monkey bars with our feet dangling.....just another day on the playground of gereralist thinkers.  Have fun with it today!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A New Day

Hello Turnaround Church leaders and friends.  I spent the day at Andover Newton Theological School yesterday for a conversation with church and seminary leaders, hosted by the Funds for Theological Education president, Steven Lewis, and staff.  A new day is here when we can imagine the attributes of the future leaders of the church.  I actually sent my first tweet during the presentation.  Technology is my friend! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome to The Turnaround Church Blog.  This is my first day going live and I would love to talk with you about this topic.  I am the author of "The Turnaround Church", and the pastor of the Wollaston Congregational Church UCC in Quincy, MA.  In the 1950's this was a thriving congregation of over 900 members.  When I came to the church in 2003, the membership had dwindled down to 25 active members.  In just seven years, we have quadrupled our membership and developed vital community ministries. I welcome you to visit our church's website at to learn more about the church.